Yellowdot sign

Onwards and upwards!

In recent times remote working and pdf’s have sadly taken their toll on the old fashioned client studio visit.

Here at Yellowdot, in a throwback to those glory days, we are actively encouraging more visitors in 2017. Partly because we know how constructive, creative, and – dare we say it – fun that these meetings can be, and partly to show off our new top floor space and balconied ‘poop deck’.

After months of chaos, carnage and clear-outs, we are delighted to announce the opening of our new penthouse studio. We’re still at our long-standing Mews address in Hampton Hill, but have simply moved upstairs to a purpose built space.

Whilst it’s a bit cold for a balcony meeting just now, you would be very welcome to drop in at any time. Brief or no brief, the coffee’s good and we don’t need much of an excuse to get biscuits in…

Here’s to 2017 – and the revival of the studio visit.